+6 Cervical Intervertebral Disc Disease In Dogs Treatment Free Save. Stage I disc disease produces mild pain and is usually self-correcting in a few days. In dogs with cervical disc disease that are undergoing conservative treatment their exercise must be restricted.

The extensive literature pertinent to intervertebral disc disease is reviewed with the goal of summarizing the information available to help. If the pain or lack of coordinated movements persists after four to seven days of treatment or if the neurological status declines from one day to the next surgery may be required. Short walks on a harness for toileting purposes may be necessary with strict confinement at other times.
+3 Intervertebral disc herniation is a common cause of neurologic dysfunction in dogs. Full Update
Many dogs are in such pain that we are left prescribing either nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs NSAIDS like Rimadyl Previcox Deramaxx or even stronger cortisone type drugs. Treating Dog Cervical Disc Disease If your dog is still in the early stages of cervical disc disease your vet may administer corticosteroids to relieve the pain caused by muscle spasms and inflammation. In fact we know that 40 of dogs who are experiencing neck pain for the first time from a slipped or bulging disk will get better with medical management. Our Matthews NC veterinary neurologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the brain spinal cord muscles and nerves of pets.