+2 Best Of Cage Training A Cat Today Update. Using cat cages for litter training This is also commonly referred to as crate training. If your kitten or cat is having difficulty making proper use of its litter box it might be best to keep your cat in a crate at night while you train her to use the litter box.
Get advice on common cat behavior issues such as meowing or clawing and tips on training your cat or kitten including litter box training. Litter box avoidance is a commonly experienced problem among vets and cat owners. Start by making the crate part of the furniture.
+6 Best Of 7 Places Where Cats Like to Be Pet. New Update
Fortunately you can teach your cat to view the carrier as a good thing in a few sim. Using cat cages for litter training This is also commonly referred to as crate training. Lure your cat to the crate before dinnertime using wet food or treats. If you are able to start crate training as soon as possible as kittens have a natural curiosity that will likely lead them to explore the crate on their own.